Join and Win!
Join SM Hypermarket’s Blog Writing Contest “myPond’s 7-Day Beauty Blog” and get a chance to win one of the following:
• Best Blog Post:
- iPhone 16GB
- a New Pond’s Age Miracle Gift Set
- SM Hypermarket GCs P5,000
- SM Advantage Card loaded P1,000
–Taste Asia card loaded p1,000
• Best Photo Blog
–iPhone 8GB
–a New Pond’s Age Miracle Gift Set
–SM Hypermarket GCs P1,000
–SM Advantage Card loaded P1,000
–Taste Asia card loaded p1,000
Required Content: Share your 7-day experience of the New Pond’s Age Miracle Day Cream with notes about what you experienced each day through a blog post! Include the Pond’s event held 4th of July at Taste Asia in SM Hypermarket Mall of Asia when the product was introduced to you (if you attended)
Judging: Your post will be judged on concept, style and its popularity and should simply answer the question - is it a compelling read?
How to Join
• Entries must have a minimum of 200 words and maximum of 600 words
• You must write in English, although of course a few Filipino phrases are okay.
• Include a link to and include the following tags: Ponds Age Miracle, skin care, look younger.
• To make an entry official REGISTER HERE.
• Entries should be posted on or before 18 July 2008.
• We will announce the winners on 25 July 2008.
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